When you are looking at something, you look it differently, You know why? Just because each one of us have got different ways of taking things, matter, circumstances and all.
The child will see it even he/she don’t know why is he/she seeing it.
I mean to say that when we grow up we change.
I just want to draw your attention towards the nature of human beings, the small child looks so innocent, so cute, so attractive, so attention seeker, regardless of the gender (don’t think otherwise)
and it is always with a small child never with an elder person. Why?If at all it is with elder person then it will have a purpose, or a desire.
Having said that, a child will always smile and explore his/her emotion not because it’s a GOD gift and also it is not like in any place where we visit, we tend to tell everyone, that child was very cute.
A child is innocent he/she don’t know much about life so he/she don’t know what is good or bad, he just take whatever comes, he/she just enjoy the moment, he/she thus thinks from the heart and the difference is here.
I may be wrong in some way or all ways, but its just like when we grow up we tend to look at things differently.
Well, in simple word we become selfish because we start thinking from mind, and our mind is very crazy it will tend to do so many things, good or bad but in doing so we never think from heart or in other we loose our self.
Spirituality is an ideal way that can make us selfless and thus recognize the sweet little innocence cuteness hidden inside all of us.